How Cat Vitamins Can Help With Fur Loss

How Cat Vitamins Can Help With Fur Loss

If you have a cat, chances are you've come home to find tufts of fur on the floor or furniture. Cats are known for their fastidious grooming habits, but sometimes they can go overboard. If your cat is licking its fur off, it could be due to a number of underlying health conditions. In this blog post, we'll discuss how to stop a cat from licking its fur off and how multivitamins for cats can help your feline friend feel better.


Reasons your Cat is Licking its Fur off and How Cat Vitamins Can Help

1. Allergies 

There are a few reasons why your cat might be licking its fur off. The most common reason is allergies. Just like humans, cats can be allergic to pollen, mold, dust, and other airborne irritants. If your cat is allergy-prone, it's likely that they're licking their fur off in an attempt to relieve the itchiness and discomfort. There are a number of over-the-counter antihistamines that are safe for cats, so if you suspect that allergies are the cause of your cat's excessive licking, talk to your veterinarian about giving them a small dose.


2. Stress or Anxiety

If there have been any recent changes in your cat's environment (a new pet in the house, a move to a new home, etc.), that could be causing them stress. Cats also tend to lick their fur more when they're anxious or bored. If you think stress might be the cause of your cat's excessive licking, try spending more time with the suggestions below to keep them occupied. You can also talk to your veterinarian about prescribing anti-anxiety medication for your fur baby. Remember, if your cat is sleeping a lot, this is not due to depression. Cat's sleeping a lot is actually normal unlike humans. 


man hugging cat

Some fun things you can do to keep your cat entertained include:

-Putting a scratching post in a sunny spot so they can take a nap

-Giving them a toy that dispenses treats when they play with it

-Buying a set of interactive toys that you can play with together

-Setting up a perch near a window where they can watch the birds outside


3. Underlying medical condition such as dermatitis, ringworm, or flea allergy dermatitis

These conditions can cause extreme itchiness and irritation, leading your cat to lick its fur off in an attempt to find relief. If you suspect that your cat has one of these conditions, take them to the vet so it can get started on the appropriate treatment plan. Make sure to also check out these 6 reasons to why your cat may be over grooming themselves. 

If your cat IS suffering from allergies, there are a few supplements you can give them to help relieve the symptoms. Omega-3 fatty acids are a good option, as they can help reduce inflammation. Balanced Breed All-In-1 Cat Supplement & Multivitamin offers Krill Oil that is loaded with healthy Omega-3 fatty acids, and gives more health benefits than most other brands like PetHonesty, Dinovite, or even Nutra Thrive (which can contain "fish oil powder").



No one likes seeing a bald cat, least of all the cat itself! If your cat is constantly licking its fur off, it's important to find out why and take steps to address the issue and consider a multiviatin for your cat. In most cases, you'll be able to solved the problem with a few simple changes.


  • Pariene Q

    🙅🏻‍♀️ —→ what i need to tell my cat when she licks herself too much!

  • Bertha

    these are all very good ideas

  • Micha

    My cat loves to stay entertained by watching the birds. Its very cute.🤪

  • Malory

    Printing this out for reference 👍

  • Julia H

    My cat licks so bad it scares me. I found this article randomly on google and I am going to try the scratching post hoping it works out.

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